“In the South East of Brisbane there are several boats that have been abandoned in the streets and waterways. Floating homes and vessels that were once loved are now decrepit and barely Keeping Afloat. For the locals they have become eyesores, a threat to the environment and a stain on their vision of suburbia. However, for an artist who is attracted to the unseen and undervalued beauty of the everyday, they have proven very interesting subjects. I’ve given these boats a new life and an opportunity to tell their story before they meet their maker”. ~ Dylan Jones

Click on images below to enlarge. All works are framed in timber.


Since graduating from the Queensland College of Art in 2012 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Dylan Jones has been attracted to the unseen and undervalued beauty of the everyday. Artist Jeffrey Smart highlighted this attraction stating, “It’s obvious a bunch of flowers… are beautiful, and I love natural beauty, but I am not moved by it… to me composition is everything”. Dylan chooses to paint predominately from life, ‘en plein air’ rather than being alone in the studio. He finds that when he is outside he makes better decisions about composition, colour, surface and tone. He has slowly moved away from literal depiction and into a style characterised by large impasto marks in oil paint, rich bursts of colours and the play of light and dark.


with guest talk by artist Michael Simms

Saint Cloche Gallery

37 MacDonald Street, Paddington

Until 26th August

KEEPING AFLOAT - purchase enquiry

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